Massage Therapy


Restorative Massage


We offer Restorative Massage which is a lite to moderate pressure massage that is designed to help relax and calm the body. This technique helps restore the body and allows more circulation within the tissue to help reduce Inflammation.  This specific treatment is designed to help you feel more at ease and to reduce muscle and joint pain, anxiety, and sleep issues while helping the mind feel restful and calm.  Reducing inflammation is the key that helps bring our movement, range of motion and ability to improve upon our health and wellness needs. Reducing stress to help issues such as sleep, complexion problems and mood swings alongside proper nutrition can help the body heal with a lite touch restorative massage; it can also be beneficial when fasting which will help reduce tight muscles, remove waste from the body and increase energy and mood.

  *Therapeutic essential oils, skin care oils, and lotions are used depending on the condition and needs of your skin. We use warm towels for wrapping the feet and on the back. Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment.  This is a pampering skin treatment as well as a massage that will leave your skin feeling soft and refreshed.

*Please let your massage therapist know if you have any skin irritations or allergies.

$80 | 70 Min


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